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Welcome to Bonita Springs Lions Club

The meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm by Lion President Joe Jackson. The invocation was given by Lion Tom Porte. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Al Greenwood. The quorum was established with twelve (12) members present. Members present were Lions Joe Jackson, Joe Gallagher, Colin Raynor, Tom Swanson, Margie Gillette, Fran Metcalf, Darlene Faulconer, Tom Porte, Tim Grove, Terry Moore, Bob Leonard, and Ron Mancuso. There were no guests.

Action Items:
1  Minutes of January 9 and 16, 2023 meetings. Lion Joe Gallagher moved to approve the minutes of the January 9, 2023 meeting. Lion Tim Grove seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. Lion Joe Gallagher moved to approve the minutes of the January 16, 2023 emergency meeting. Lion Tim Grove seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
2  Honoring Lion Whitey Ellis. Lion Joe Jackson questioned whether we should host a reception at the Lions Center. He will call Pat Ellis.
3  Monthly Treasurer's Report. Lion Tom Porte emphasized that the Treasurer's Report gives information as of January 31, 2023, or the last day of the previous month. The Charities account holds $109,000 while the Administrative account has $44,400. Lion Joe Gallagher moved to amend the motion which was made on January 16, 2023 to transfer $254,130.87 to the Bank of the Ozarks. Lion Bob Leonard seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. Lion Joe Gallagher moved to open a high yield savings account at a local bank with funds in excess of $10,000. The motion was unanimously approved. Three grants were never cashed in the 2021-2022 Lions year: Florida Lions Foundation for the Blind for $4,000, Gabriel House for $1,000, and Gateway Elementary School for $1,000. Lion Bob Leonard moved to give $4,000 to the Florida Lions Foundation for the Blind to replace the check that never cleared the bank. Lion Tim Grove seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. Lion Colin Raynor moved to reissue a check for $1,000 to Gateway Elementary School. Lion Joe Gallagher seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. Lion Tom Porte said that Thrift Store revenues dropped from $267,095 to $242,715 in January 2023. Lion Joe Gallagher moved to accept the report. Lion Bob Leonard seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
4  Membership. No report.
5  Score - Marketing for Small Businesses Workshop. Lion Joe Jackson would like members to go to the meeting on February 18 with him and Lion Joe Gallagher.
6  Property Lighting Improvement Update. No report.
7  Upgrade of Property Amenities. Lion Colin Raynor reported that there are two new Lions signs for the Thrift Store and the Pancake Breakfast.
8  Running/Walking Fundraiser. No report.
9  Nomination Committee. Lion Joe Jackson will call a meeting consisting of himself, Lions Joe Gallagher, Colin Raynor, and Al Greenwood. Lion Margie Gillette will distribute forms requesting interest in serving on the Board at the next membership meeting.

Board Updates:
• President’s Report. Lion Joe Jackson reported that the club received a chevron from Lions Clubs International for Membership Satisfaction.
• Pancake Breakfast. Lion Tim Grove said that the most recent breakfast earned $522.83.
• Lions Thrift Store. Lion Tom Swanson reported that the Thrift Store took in $46,827 in January 2023. He said that the store needs merchandise.
• Facilities. Lion Colin Raynor is making the campus look better.
• Bingo. Lion Fran Metcalf said that Bingo took in over $900 last week.
• Thrift Store Building. Lion Tim Grove gave the report for Lion Al Greenwood. He reported that site work is to be done.
• Florida Lions Eye Clinic. Lion Margie Gillette gave the report for Lion Don Meek. In January the Eye Clinic had 124 volunteers serving 732 volunteer hours which included work at the Vision Fest fundraiser. They served 249 people.
• Program. There are no programs scheduled after February.
• Tea Party Date. No report.
• Screening. Lion Joe Jackson said that there will be training for screening on February 15 from 2:30 to 5:00. Scheduling will begin next week.
• Bonita Senior Center. Lion Joe Gallagher reported that more seniors are coming. They are going to hire a part time executive director for fundraising.
• Boy Scouts. Lion Joe Gallagher said the checking account will change to the BSLC tax ID.

 The meeting was adjourned at 5:16 p.m.

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