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Welcome to Bonita Springs Lions Club

The meeting was called to order at 4:01 pm by Lion President Joe Jackson. The invocation was given by Lion Tom Porte. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Al Greenwood. The quorum was established with twelve (12) members present. Members present were Lions Joe Jackson, Joe Gallagher, Colin Raynor, Tom Swanson, Al Greenwood, Margie Gillette, Darlene Faulconer, Tom Porte, Tim Grove, Terry Moore, Bob Leonard, and Ron Mancuso. Bob Waz, a future Lion, was present as a guest.

Action Items:
1. Minutes of December 12, 2022 meeting. The minutes of the December 12, 2022 meeting were modified to state that under Membership Issues, Lion Jerry Michota moved to accept “New Guests” who are potential new members at no charge for the dinner. Lion Joe Gallagher moved to approve the minutes as modified. Lion Tim Grove seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
2. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer’s Report for December was presented by Treasurer Darlene Faulconer and Assistant Treasurer Tom Porte. The Administrative account holds $47,420 while the Charities Account has $98,966. Lion Tom Porte moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Lion Joe Gallagher seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
3. Investment of Money Market Funds. Lion Tom Porte moved that the treasurer of Bonita Springs Lions Club, Inc. be instructed to open an account at Credit One Bank in a Jumbo CD up to $250,000 for a period no shorter than 18 months or longer than 30 months at a rate near 4.8%. Lion Joe Gallagher seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
Lion Tom Porte moved that the treasurer of Bonita Springs Lions Charities, Inc. be instructed to open a High Yield savings account at American Express at a rate in excess of 3.0% and that she be instructed to invest excess funds from the money market account at Valley Bank. Excess funds shall be defined as any funds in excess of $5,000. Lion Bob Leonard moved to amend the motion to excess funds in excess of $10,000. Lion Joe Gallagher seconded the amended motion which passed with one No vote.
4. New Thrift Store Building Committee. Lion Al Greenwood was appointed as chairman.
5. Thrift Store Ad. Lion Joe Gallagher moved to place an ad in the Saint Leo church bulletin for $550 per year in an effort to get more volunteers. The motion was seconded by Lion Bob Leonard and passed with one NO vote.
6. Membership. Lion Bob Leonard moved to accept Bob Waz as a new member whom he sponsored. The motion was unanimously approved.
7. Marketing for Small Businesses Workshop. Lion Joe Gallagher proposed that the BSLC send a representative to the workshop on Saturday, February 18 from 9 am to Noon. No action was taken.
8. Feed Thy Neighbor Contract. Lion Colin Raynor moved to approve an increase in the monthly contract from $1,500 to $1,750 to cover the cost of propane. Lion Tom Porte seconded the motion which passed with one No vote.
9. Property Lighting Improvement Update. Lion Colin Raynor said that lighting has been installed around the Lions Center.
10. Christmas Party Report. Lion Darlene Faulconer said that 50 people attended the Christmas Party. $158 was made on the 50/50 drawing, $147 on the bar service, and $415 profit from the dinner.
11. Upgrade of Property Amenities. Lion Colin Raynor reported that he is trying to make the landscape better without much money. Round signs are $150 each. He proposed lettering on the front of the Lions Center. Lion Tom Porte moved to spend up to $1,000 for signage. Lion Tim Grove seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
12. Running/Walking Fundraiser. Lion Tim Grove said that his friend’s wife has cancer so he cannot be reached.

Board Updates:
• President’s Report. Lion Joe Jackson reported that the club had received a 2022-2023 chevron for Melvin Jones awards and a Club Giving patch for donating $50 per member average to LCIF in 2021-2022. He said there would be a volunteer fair at Bonita Bay on Friday, January 13. 2023. There is also an FGCU volunteer fair where we may get some volunteers for the Thrift Store or the Eye Clinic.
• Pancake Breakfast. Lion Tim Grove said that the first breakfast had 75 customers, and $545 was deposited.
• Lions Thrift Store. Lion Tom Swanson reported that the Thrift Store took in $46,637 in December 2022. He said that sales are down, but $5,600 was saved in wages. Lion Joe Gallagher said the phone system has problems.
• Facilities. Lion Terry Moore reported on the phone system, the flag pole, eye glass collection and that tree branches are broken from the hurricane.
• Bingo. Lion Bob Leonard said that Bingo is doing well.
• Florida Lions Eye Clinic. Lion Margie Gillette gave the report for Lion Don Meek. In December the Eye Clinic had 25 volunteers serving 121 volunteer hours. They served 253 people.
• Program. Lion Joe Jackson said that Bill McKinney will present the program in February.
• Tea Party Date. Someone from Bingo has information about the Tea Party.
• Screening. Lion Joe Jackson said that there will be training for screening on January 12 and 17, 2023. Screenings will begin at the end of January.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:20 pm
On January 16 2023 an emergancy meeting was invoked to address a less specific bank for our investment.
Action Items:
1. Investment of Money Market Funds. Lion Joe Jackson said that Credit One Bank does not accept investments from entities, only from individuals, therefore the motion made on January 9, 2023 is void. Lion Ron Mancuso moved to invest $250,000 in a CD in a local bank at the discretion of the treasurer. Lion Tim Grove seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
2. Adjournment. Lion Tim Grove moved to adjourn the meeting at 6:06 pm. Lion Fran Metcalf seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:06 p.m.


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