The meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm by Lion President Joe Jackson. The invocation was given by Lion First Vice President Joe Gallagher. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Second Vice President Colin Raynor. The quorum was established with fourteen (14) members present. Members present were Lions Joe Jackson, Joe Gallagher, Colin Raynor, Tom Swanson, Al Greenwood, Margie Gillette, Fran Metcalf, Darlene Faulconer, Tom Porte, Tim Grove, Terry Moore, Alison Boyle, Don Meek, and Bob Leonard. There were no guests present.
Action Items:
- Minutes of October 10, 2022 meeting. Corrections to the minutes were that Lion Joe Jackson offered the invocation and that SHINE should be in all capital letters because it is an acronym for Serving Health Insurance Needs of Elders. Lion Don Meek moved to approve the minutes of the October 10, 2022 meeting as amended. Lion Joe Gallagher seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
- Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer’s Report for October was presented by Treasurer Darlene Faulconer. The Administrative account holds $39,601 while the Charities Account has $77,785. Net revenue was $1,000.
- Thrift Store. Lion Joe Gallagher said that the Thrift Store needs shelving, moving Carlo’s office, and repair to the bathroom. Lion Al Greenwood recommended waiting until January to get more information and until July to buy shelving in next year’s budget. Lion Tom Porte said there is $11,000 for capital improvements in this year’s budget. Lion Terry Moore said that wood is rotting and needs to be replaced by concrete. Lion President Joe Jackson said if shelving is available at a reasonable price and cameras for security are available, they should be bought. A motion is not necessary if it is less than $11,000.
- Lion Bob Leonard moved to name Lion Jerry Michota Membership Chairman. Lion Tom Porte seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. Lion Bob Leonard moved to accept Lion Bill Gregory as a transfer member provisionally. Lion Joe Gallagher seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. Lion Joe Gallagher moved to approve Emily Ware as a member. Lion Bob Leonard seconded. Discussion ensued about what we knew about the prospective member and her siblings. Lion Tom Porte tabled the motion. Lion Colin Raynor moved that someone interested in becoming a member who does not have a personal relationship with a member needs to come to a membership meeting and an interview. Lion Joe Gallagher seconded the motion which passed with one abstention.
- Feed Thy Neighbor Contract. There was no report.
- Fire Rescue-Prevention Division Inspection. Lion Colin Raynor reported that shelving was built, and everything was approved.
- Property Lighting Improvement. No report.
- FLEC Vision Fest. Robin Garcia, Executive Director of the FLEC, arrived to explain sponsorship opportunities. Lion Don Meek gave the FLEC report that in October there were seven volunteers with 32 volunteer hours. 194 people were served. The program for the November 21, 2022 Lions Membership Meeting is a FLEC Presentation.
- Christmas Party Costs. Lion Bob Leonard moved to charge $30 per person including up to $15 for food. Lion Al Greenwood seconded the motion which was approved.
- Landscaping Issues. The landscaper is being let go. Lion Colin Raynor will substitute temporarily. Lion Bob Leonard will notify the landscaper with 30 days’ notice.
Board Updates:
- President’s Report. Lion Joe Jackson read notes from LCIF and the Gateway Elementary School thanking the club for their donations. Further, he read a letter from Lion Darlene Faulconer to Lion Don Trew thanking him and his family for donations for the July 4th Parade, and from Premier Mobile Health Care vision screening which will be held on December 3 and December 10, 2022.
- Tri-County Challengers Baseball requested funds for their event. This is already in the budget.
- 60th Anniversary Event. Lion Darlene Faulconer reported that the event brought in $626 for the District 35-I disaster relief fund from the 50/50 which made $342 and the silent auction which made $284. The bar income was $292 which went to the BSLC Administrative Fund. Lion Tom Porte moved to send $1,000 to District 35-I disaster relief fund from the Anniversary Party. Lion Bob Leonard seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
- Lions Thrift Store. Lion Tom Swanson said that the Thrift Store brought in $29,942 in October. He is renewing the ad in the Thrifty Shopper for $300.
- No report.
- Lion Fran Metcalf said that Bingo is doing well.
- Tea Party Date. No report.
- Pancake Breakfast. Lion Al Greenwood said he had talked with Lion Tim Grove about the low profits last year. Lion Joe Gallagher moved to continue the Pancake Breakfast in 2023. Lion Colin Raynor seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. Lion Joe Jackson said that if the advertising banner cannot be found, a new one needs to be made.
- Screening Project. Lion Joe Jackson said that the earliest date for screening would be in January 2023.
The meeting was adjourned at 5:25 pm