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Welcome to Bonita Springs Lions Club

The meeting was called to order at 4:01 pm by Lion First Vice President Joe Gallagher . The invocation was given by Lion Joe Gallagher. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Don Meek. The quorum was established with eleven (11) members present. Members present were Lions
Joe Jackson, Joe Gallagher, Colin Raynor, Tom Swanson, Al Greenwood, Margie Gillette, Darlene Faulconer, Tim Grove, Terry Moore, Don Meek, and Ron Mancuso. There were no guests present.

Action Items:
1. Minutes of August 8, 2022 meeting. Lion Colin Raynor corrected Section 7 of the Action Items of the August 8, 2022 meeting of the Board of Directors, stating that we have a permit from the city of Bonita Springs, not a lease. Lion Don Meek moved to approve the minutes as corrected. Lion Tim Grove seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
2. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer’s Report for August was presented by Treasurer Darlene Faulconer. The Administrative account holds $52,900 while the Charities Account has $99,400. Net revenue was $3,700. The building fund reserve balance is now $504,400. Lion Don Meek moved to accept the Treasurer’s Report. Lion Tim Grove seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
3. Proposed new members. Laura Carr has applied for membership. She is sponsored by Lion Joe Jackson. She was unanimously approved. Lion Jerry Michota will transfer in from New Jersey.
4. LCIF Grant Application for FLEC. Two clubs need to sponsor the grant application, and Naples Lions Club has already approved. Lion Don Meek moved to approve the grant. Lion Tim Grove seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
5. Budget Approval for Special Projects Committee. Lion Don Meek questioned the liability of the proposal. Lion Joe Gallagher tabled the proposal.
6. Change Zone Meeting Dates. Lion Margie Gillette proposed changing September 19, 2022 to October 17, 2022 because of lack of notice and the fact that we do not have a regular meeting on that date. It was decided to retain the September 17 date. The proposed zone meeting on February 6, 2023 was moved to February 20, 2023 because we have not been meeting on the first Monday of the month.

• 1. Senior Center Sponsorship from Budget. Lion Joe Gallagher proposed $2,000 in November for a concert. Lion Don Meek moved to let the Senior Center spend their money the way they want to. Lion Colin Raynor seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
2. Boy Scouts Chartering. The Boy Scouts approved the Bonita Springs Lions Club to be its charter.
3. Minimum Age for Volunteering. Lion Darlene Faulconer suggested a minimum age for working at the Pancake Breakfast, but there was no discussion.
4. Emergency Preparedness. Lion Joe Gallagher said there will be training by the state.

• Florida Lions Eye Clinic. Lion Don Meek said there were 31 volunteers in August who worked 126 volunteer hours. They served 200 people.
• Summer Programs. There will be pizza and bingo on September 19, 2022.
• Lions Thrift Store. Lion Tom Swanson reported that the store took in $29,163 in August.
• Facilities. Lion Terry Moore said that December 17, 2022 is not available. The Eye Clinic has requested January 29, 2023 for a fundraiser. Some Lions should be there.
• Bingo. It was reported that Bingo is doing OK.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:50 p.m.

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