The meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm by Lion First Vice President Joe Gallagher . The invocation was given by Lion Darlene Faulconer. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Bob Leonard. The quorum was established with twelve (12) members present. Members present were Lions Joe Jackson, Joe Gallagher, Colin Raynor, Tom Swanson, Margie Gillette, Darlene Faulconer, Tom Porte, Bob Leonard, Alison Boyle, Terry Moore, Ron Mancuso, and Don Meek. There were no guests present.
Action Items:
1. Minutes of May 9, 2022 meeting. A correction was made to the action item in the May 9, 2022 meeting minutes about repurposing the president’s office. It will become an open office not necessarily to be used by FLEC. Lion Tom Porte moved to approve the corrected minutes. Lion Don Meek seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
2. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer’s Report for May was presented by Treasurer Darlene Faulconer. The Administrative account holds $82,012 while the Charities Account has $174,943. Net revenue was $1,681. Grants paid in May totaled $20,425. Lion Darlene has moved $250,000 to an account at Fifth Third Bank which will pay 3.6% interest for the building fund. A CD holding $104,000 matured and went into a Money Market Plus account. Lion Tom Porte moved to approve the Treasurer’s Report. Lion Colin Raynor seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
3. Approval of 2022-2023 Budgets. Lion Tom Porte moved to approve the Charities budget. Lion Don Meek seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. Lion Tom Porte questioned why charities transfers to the club for the building fund. He recommended putting it in a charities improvement fund. Lion Tom Porte moved to approve the Administration budget. Lion Bob Leonard seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
4. Membership Issues. Lion Bob Leonard said that 16 members have not paid their dues for next year, but they will be contacted.
5. Grants. Lion Bob Leonard said that there were no grants in June.
6. Property Lighting Improvement Update. No news was reported.
7. Christmas Party Planning. December 19, 2022 is a regular meeting night and will be used for the Christmas party. Lion Joe Jackson said he would contact Wendy Renée about entertaining again.
Information Items:
1. Investing in FDIC insured account at 5th3rd Bank. Lion Darlene Faulconer said that investing in the annuity at 3.6% is insured privately.
2. Credit Card Setup for Thrift Store. Lion Tom Swanson said that Carlo has a credit card in his name limited at $5,000.
3. Repurposing Office Space. Lion Colin Raynor said that the president’s office will be allocated to anyone needing space. The lock needs to be changed.
4. Update on 60th Anniversary of Club Fundraiser. Lion Darlene Faulconer said that November 5, 2022 will be the date with a DJ. Lion Joe Jackson moved to have the fundraiser on November 5. Lion Bob Leonard seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
Board Updates:
• Update on President’s Surgery. Lion Joe Jackson was scheduled to have bypass surgery on June 30, 2022
• Florida Lions Eye Clinic. Lion Don Meek reported that FLEC had 175 patients in May with 47 volunteers serving 269 volunteer hours. There were seven in-house surgeries.
• Summer Programs. There will probably be Bingo and pizza during July, August, and September, not a catered dinner. There will not be speakers until perhaps October. It was recommended to have another Medicare speaker because that was a popular event.
• Lions Thrift Store. Lion Tom Swanson said that the store brought in $35,481 in May. He said that some raises may be needed after the budget is approved.
• Facilities. Lion Terry Moore reported that the Lions Center is used more than previously, but there have been some recent cancellations. There are 10,000 eyeglasses ready to go to recycling.
• Bingo. There were 23 participants last week, so Bingo is doing well.
• Tea Party Date. There is no date yet.
The meeting was adjourned at 4:45 p.m.