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Welcome to Bonita Springs Lions Club

The meeting was called to order at 4:00 pm by Lion First Vice President Joe Gallagher . The invocation was given by Lion Joe Gallagher. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Bob Leonard. The quorum was established with nine (9) members present. Members present were Lions Joe Gallagher, Colin Raynor, Margie Gillette, Darlene Faulconer, Tim Grove, Marcia Van Tassell, Alison Boyle, Bob Leonard, and Ron Mancuso. There were no guests present.

Action Items:
1. Minutes of June 13, 2022 meeting. Lion Bob Leonard moved to approve the minutes of the June 13, 2022 Board of Directors meeting. Lion Colin Raynor seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.
2. Treasurer’s Report. The Treasurer’s Report for June was presented by Treasurer Darlene Faulconer. The Administrative account holds $79,273 while the Charities Account has $188,042. Net revenue was $2,015. Grants paid in June totaled $17,000.
3. Membership Issues. Lion Darlene Faulconer reported that only two members requested to be dropped from membership, so there is a total of 77 regular members and 7 associate members.
4. Property Lighting Improvement Update. No news was reported.
5. August Membership Meeting Date. The August Membership Meeting date has been corrected to August 15.
6. District 35-I Directory. Lion Colin Raynor submitted the art work for the District Directory. Lion Bob Leonard moved to pay for a whole page. Lion Marcia Van Tassell seconded the motion which was unanimously approved.

1. Gateway Elementary. Lion Bob Leonard read a thank you note from Gateway Elementary School for the grant which BSLC sent them for the Odyssey of the Mind Team to go to the International Competition.
2. Repurposing Office Space. Lion Colin Raynor said that files have been changed and furniture moved for a small conference room to be created. In addition, the couch was removed from the main area of the office and was replaced by a table and chairs.
3. Fourth of July Parade. $1,100 was requested to reimburse Lion Don Trew for the float. Lion Margie Gillette moved to make the payment. Lion Darlene Faulconer seconded the motion which was passed with two members in opposition.
4. Update on 60th Anniversary of Club Fundraiser. Lion Darlene Faulconer said that November 5, 2022 will be the date with a DJ.

Board Updates:
• Florida Lions Eye Clinic. Lion Margie Gillette reported that FLEC had 140 patients in June with 34 volunteers serving 207 volunteer hours. Grants totaled $20,033 for the month.
• Summer Programs. There will probably be Bingo and pizza during July, August, and September. Members are asked to RSVP for the meetings.
• Facilities. $1,200 was requested for rewaxing the floors of the Lions Center.
• Bingo. Recent Fridays have seen 23 and 24 players which is better than last year at this time.
• Lion Joe Jackson Report. Lion Colin Raynor reported that Lion President Joe Jackson had heart surgery and is in ICU. From there he may go to rehab or home.

The meeting was adjourned at 4:30 pm


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