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Minutes of Membership Meeting –April 18, 2022

At 6:30 p.m. the meeting was called to order by Lion Joe Jackson. The invocation was given by Lion Joe Gallagher. The Pledge of Allegiance was led by Lion Don Meek. Lion Fran Metcalf gave the Lions Toast. Lion Margie Gillette introduced guests. Lion Joe Gallagher moved to approve the minutes of the March 21, 2022 meeting. Lion Fran Metcalf seconded the motion which was unanimously approved. Thirty-four (34) people were in attendance.

Lion Don Meek introduced Missy Lamont, Executive Director of Naples Therapeutic Riding Center. She explained the mission of the Riding Center which started with two horses and now has 17. They have 800 clients and 550 volunteers. The miniature horses which they brought with them go to hospitals and nursing homes to bring comfort to patients.

District 35I Meeting. Bonita Springs Lions Club will host the District Cabinet Meeting and Mini-Convention this Saturday, April 23, 2022. District elections will be held at this meeting. Lion Joe Jackson read the BSLC report for the Zone Meeting which was being held in Fort Myers at the same time as our Membership Meeting tonight.

BSLC Updates
• Screening Update. Lion Joe Jackson said that vision and hearing screening started this month with two schools, and there are now three more schools.
• Pancake Breakfast. The Pancake Breakfast netted $6,000 from January through March.
• Lions Thrift Store. The Thrift Store earned $51,400 in March. Lion Russ Lord said they need more volunteers to sort goods to go out on the floor. He said it is also a great social experience.
• Friday Bingo. Lion Fran Metcalf has been in the hospital and received a stent in her heart, but the Bingo operation is still running well with its new board.
• Anchor Awards and Governor’s Awards. Lion Margie Gillette earlier reminded members that they need to turn in applications for Anchor Awards if they qualify. Governor’s Awards are for new members in their first year of membership.
• Wednesday Farmers Market. Lion Colin Raynor reported that the Farmers Market has ended for the year. It made approximately $600 per month.
• Finance. Lion Darlene Faulconer reported that the Administrative account holds $70,017, and the Charities account has $159,819.
• Spaghetti Dinner. Lion Darlene said that the fundraiser raised about $1,400.

The meeting was adjourned at 7:50 p.m.

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