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Newsletter Issue.191 | February 2025 | www.bonitalions.org | |
Bonita Springs Lions News !
The Bonita Springs Lions Club has consistently supported charitable needs in our community, state and worldwide.
Good Day Shopper Visitor!
Here is what is happening around our Thrift Store
REMEMBER Every Wednesday Senior & Vets
Receive 25% OFF Stop in and Save.
We also are PROUD to say every day Pricing is like a sale.
We will continue to help our community by offering goods as inexpensive to you as possible each and every day.
Thank You,
Bonita Springs Lions Club Thrift Store
Face Book: BSLCThrift Instagram: bslthrift
Our ongoing Events
Bingo with the Lions
Every Friday 12:00pm - 3:00pm
20 Games, multiple patterns.
In Lions Center: 10370 Pennsylvania Ave Bonita Springs Fl 34135
Thrift Store Monday-Friday 10am-430pm Closed on Thursday Saturday 10am-400pm |
10346 Pennsylvania Ave Bonita Springs Fl 34135 |
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