About Us
Welcome to Bonita Springs Lions Club


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Store has been remodeled. A new look and feel but same great everyday prices. Wednesday`s are Senior & Veterans sale day.

Fantastic items at more than reasonable prices. Proceeds from sales are given back to the community. Please stop in and have a look at all the wonderful items we offer. You just may be surprised what you find. We are undergoing some changes at the store in an effort to make your shopping more enjoyable. Please check back often as we implement our new changes....

If Donating:

  • If you have over-sized merchandise or bulk items that you would like for us to pick up, please call the store and make arrangements.
  • If dropping off, please make sure to arrive before 3 pm

 (239) 992-6665 Thrift Store Direct Line

Monday through Saturday
Open at 10 am ...close at 4:30pm

Sundays  CLOSED

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